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City of Protest
Mustang – The last tibet
Rock and roll trance
Waiting Cubans
Avenida of Angels
In Havana
Palestine 2011 - Christian little girl in the Holy Sepulchre: Old Jerusalem.
Palestine 2011 - Arabic girl on the Temple Mount during Ramadan. Old Jerusalem.
Palestine 2011 - The western Wall. Old JErusalem.
Palestine 2011 - Muslim women pray outside the Al Aqsa Mosque, on the Temple Mount. al Aqsa is the third Mosque for importance in the islamic religion, after Mecca and Medina.
Palestine 2011 - The Akko beach. This was the shore mainly used by Crusaders for their entrance to the Holy Land from Europe. Nowadays Akko is an arabic enclave in Israel.
Palestine 2011 - Palestinian boy celebrate Eid with a toy gun. Eid is the festivity at the end of Ramadan. Tulkarem, Westbank.
Palestine 2011 - boy sleeping in the Mosque of Omar during Ramadan. Old Jerusalem.
Palestine 2011 - Palestinians celebrate Eid. eid is the festivity for the end of Ramadan. Tulkarem, Westbank.
Palestine 2011 - Mosque of Qalqylia. Westbank.